Is God a being or formless?

Sometimes talking about certain things is total foolishness because certain topics are so sensitive ones, that when you debate, they become harsh arguments which actually Trigger the frustration in both the speaking parties.

One of such is the concept of God. It is actually astonishing that whenever two people start talking about their separate religions, it turns out to form a brawl between thoughts and choices. Though the basic concept of God is actually the same in all the religions the people who are on surfaces and only the things they hear or observe in the acts of others, have such conflicts with others.

There is no reason to support the thought that the conflict will not happen. The reason for this is the difference between rituals. For example, a person from religion 'a' worships idols and a person from religion 'b' condemns the worship of idols, naturally, there is a huge difference between beliefs. Due to these differences, there is going to be a word war between them if they talk about religion. But, with no offense, no ritual was created by God, all the rituals are created by humans and by the thought evolution of human beings.

Firstly, why not clear the basic points about God? What we personally know about god is equal to zero. So now we know what we know about God? The simple answer to this is, by reading the scripts of those who actually knew God or had realised what is God.

Basically, god is one, he is the creator of everything. He is everlasting, he is beyond time, barriers, and human thoughts. He didn't take birth and died like any other human being or organism. Most importantly, he is everywhere.

Most of you might not agree with the definition given by me about God. This could be because you might see a particular being as God.

You know, you are right. But let me tell you something brother, you are not the only one who sees God like that, there are billions who have different Gods which are not like yours. For them, the being they perceive as God is God for them. Just think for a minute coma you have a separate God, they have separate Gods, indirectly a billion faces of God are just on earth. If just on earth we have that large number of faces perceived as God, how many faces are going to be there in the entire universe, we don't even know how many universes are there as a whole. So, just think about how many faces of God will be there. Simply, the number of faces of God are infinite. So who is the real one? Surprisingly, the answer to this is, that they all are real. Even you are God, your dog, cat, table, bed, car, each and everything is God. There are infinite shapes of God. The whole damn creation is God.

The only need is to change the way you see the world. God is there in your world, till you believe. The moment God is gone from your thoughts, he is not there in your world. But bro your world is limited, the reality is unlimited. It's just like the knowledge of something, till the time you don't have knowledge about something, you don't see the thing the way others see it, but when you study the thing completely and gain full knowledge about it, then you might be the person making the best use of it.

So, confining the term God to one person is nonsense, you are trying to scale the unscalable Almighty within the character of one person and, ultimately, within the boundary of your thoughts. Secondly, individuals take birth and die like rest, which means they don't last forever. But if we talk about the whole creation, it is never-ending, new things keep on emerging when older ones rupture. And, by the way, we only know about the creation by which we analyze some points about the creator, we don't personally know anything about the creator, but whatever we conclude from seeing or observing the universe is part of the creator. Now, your question could be 'why is it so?' The answer to this question is very simple, just like when we read a book written by a certain writer, we get to know about some of his thoughts, the way he thinks, and the way he acts similarly is the case of God. I think you might have got the point that I meant to convey.

Though God is here with us every-time that too in time, but he's not the one bonded by time because he is the one who created time. Just like, a director can also be a part of a movie as he is the one creating the scenes and doing the stuff but he can't be forced to be in the movie for sure.

Indirectly, messing around with different surface thoughts is nonsense and time waste. Secondly, converting information about God, from experience to words, is a back-breaking task.

Before you get more confused, let me clear this one for you. The knowledge which is available in the scripts is actually the converted form of experience (of God) to words that have knowledge about God. Indirectly, the limitless was converted into limited words, which of course is a difficult and almost impossible task. God can never be completely explained in words because words are created by the human brain and God is far bigger than the human brain.

So what's the conclusion? Simple, instead of this, one should focus on spreading the right things with valid reasoning and proof. One should build a strong moral character based on the religious scripts so that everybody has a sense of respect towards you and your religion.

Summing up the answer to the title 'Is God a being or formless?':-
God is formless as he has infinite forms, without indicating a specific one as its original. He is beyond everything. He is the creator and mentor of everything and, of course, he can be found anywhere, in you too.  

~Bhavjot Singh 'Kaltaaz'
Founder: Beyond Subjects
Bhavjot Singh

Bhavjot Singh is co-founder of Beyond Subjects. Born and brought up in the state of Punjab, Bhavjot loves Punjabi culture and has a keen interest in Sufi music. He has been running two blogs since he was in 8th grade, writing about technology, social practices, and culture. He loves to vibe to his selectively picked playlist and make digital art while sipping a coffee in his spare time.

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