Human Versions: Internal and External Character

               HUMAN beings have a very unique quality that is totally different from any other creature on this planet. This is also a strong differentiating point as previously mentioned, it is not common in any other creature. This unique quality is the quality of hiding emotions. Because of this only, a person is able to present himself differently in front of every person. Not only this, this feature of human beings allows them to maintain a different 'personal' character, which is not generally presented to the outside world. This is what we refer to as internal character. 

There's a saying that people have three faces, first, the one they show to the world, second, the one they show to their close friends and family, and the third, which they only have for themselves and is the true picture of the one's character. But, what I think is a bit different. I believe that the number of faces that a person has is one more than the number of people he has interacted till date. If that sentence looks like a scientific postulate, let me elucidate it in simple words:- A person shows himself/herself differently in front of every person and along with this, he also has a different image (character) about himself/herself which he never presents outside generally. 

Now the question is, what are these characters or images (faces) called? Well, that's what this whole text is all about. The faces shown to people can be grouped under external faces, which constitute the external character, whereas, the true identity, which a person has, or, the real characteristics which a person has, and knows about them personally but never shows them out in normal circumstances to the outside world, constitute the internal character. 

External character varies according to the person with whom one is interacting. For example, a person usually cracks jokes in front of friends whereas, when a person is in front of his boss, at his workplace, he acts in a formal manner, in order to maintain a respectable image. External character is built according to the situation one is in, with a little correspondence with values.

Internal character, on the other hand, is constant. It remains the same irrespective of the situation and person with which one is interacting. The internal character contains all the values, natural responses, and behaviors. It is just like background code that enables our mind to give the command to act accordingly. Internal character is built by the impact of the environment in which one was during in his early age. Along with this, it is also built by the emotions triggered during different times. If you believe in the theory of reincarnation and rebirth, then let me add that according to the Asian holy scripts, texts, and books, it is believed that your last life or past life also has an impact on your internal character. These inherited traits of previous life act as default traits for the next. Alteration or updates in Internal character can be made by your internal voice or the voice of will.

By the way, what the hell is a 'voice of will'? Well, it is a strong sense of change with which one can shatter the deadliest situations. This voice is found in everybody's core but it all depends upon the acceptance of the person that whether one takes it or leaves.

The internal character can also become the external character if the construction of the external character is totally based upon the values and will without any consideration of the situation. But this will only give a benefit if the internal character is pure as distilled water, without any major impurities of negative values such as anger, greed, ego, etc.

Negative traits are always there in a human being but one has to make an effort to eliminate them except accepting them as part. 

Now the last and the most confusing question, should one be having both external and internal characters different or same? The answer to this is simple, you can't afford to be casual in front of everybody just like you can't be formal with everyone. You have to act accordingly in order to bring the bacon home. But if you don't wish to opt for it, act real. Set some basic points for your external character, based upon your internal character. You might face some difficulties initially but sooner, the people will accept you like that, but be sure to stay tall in difficult times too.

~Bhavjot Singh 'Kaltaaz'
Founder: Beyond Subjects
Bhavjot Singh

Bhavjot Singh is co-founder of Beyond Subjects. Born and brought up in the state of Punjab, Bhavjot loves Punjabi culture and has a keen interest in Sufi music. He has been running two blogs since he was in 8th grade, writing about technology, social practices, and culture. He loves to vibe to his selectively picked playlist and make digital art while sipping a coffee in his spare time.

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