The rain in my eyes.

Today the clouds cried
Nobody came for their tears to be wiped
Those gave me mixed feelings
I don't know of sorrows or of healings
The suffocating silence before the rain was awful
Nothing was now Auburn
Within moments the wind played dirty
Throwing soil in my eyes, making them blurry
I went in and slammed the door of my room
Loud vibrations made me hear the sound of a falling broom
Within moments the clouds started crying and shouting
Not shouting, howling
I went to the roof
And cried their aloof
Recalling the memories
of every happiness  and misery

I then saw a six year old dancing and having fun in the rain
She was happy and I, in pain
Realising how the I was vanished
My innocent and free being , I think is banished

But then was my sun
My bright and happy mum
Shooing the clouds away
Along with dismay
Bringing a plate of pakoras and chocolate got
Making my wounds clot🌈
                                                               -Harshita Sehgal
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