Can Someone Be Too Cruel to Be Loved?

"Can Someone Be Too Cruel to Be Loved?", is the first write-up written by Shine Arora under the category "Unfiltered". Read to find out .

Can Someone Be Too Cruel to Be Loved? Can someone be too tired of loving, of giving another person every ounce of love they could have in their hearts, maybe because everything they had has been showered on someone who doesn't deserve it, maybe it was not about being well deserved or not, but about feeling the best with someone and not so full with others, and the one spending his/her everything being able to see if the person really wanted that intimacy or rather needs some personal space?

However clingy it becomes, the latter would always at least once in his/her life will realize the presence of the person giving unconditionally, have a stupid smile thinking of a stupid person behaving pathetically with them, as per them, for them.

It will feel too clingy at times, but never with the person, you have a golden heart for but only with the one you're just attracted to or are with, be it for fame.

Because yes when you love someone with all your true and pure intentions of soul, you trust them blindly, seriously, such blindly that you know the things gonna happen, fuel will be added in the coal in future but you never want to realize and trust them as if your heart is a dumbass component at that particular point. You fight everyone just to prove them all sloven is yours and the other one is completely innocent just to justify their actions because you believe in no clause of theirs and end up breaking your own heart, pining it every day and vilified by everything around. But then the day arrives when the other person is straight to your face, abandoning you with nothing more than a GOODBYE in most cases with no good reasons letting you wonder where things went wrong and you, the solemn and lonely soul just try to find another justification for what they did to you. "what if they didn't mean the things they said in frustration, maybe I was more than a little too cringy to them or should I have given them some more space, they might have not left, and maybe it's a break? and THEY'LL COME BACK?

But holy shit NO! you realize it's too late that all that chaos was yours, wholly not to love a person like infinite but to put efforts for the one who is not able to give their fullest to you.

Then comes the part when you become too cruel to be loved.

~ Shine  Arora
Shine Arora

Shine is a design aspirant and has completed her senior secondary education from hometown, Amritsar. She is an art enthusiast and has made more than 50 beautiful artworks till now. Recently started writing with keen interest in emotional series of writeup, "Can Someone Be Too Cruel Too Be Loved?" is her first blog.

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