Map Out Your Heaven and Hell

Map Out Your Heaven and Hell
A breif dive into the importance of setting personal boundaries and figuring out one's own extreme case scenario. .

It's great to run towards something you'd like. But it's even better to run away from something that terrifies you.

Think about this real carefully: take all your faults and your inadequacies, and your hatred for life, all of that. And then imagine that gets the upper hand. Think about where you could be in three to five years.

Some people know they'd be a street person. Some people know they'd be an alcoholic. Some people know they'd be a prostitute or drug addicts.

Everybody's got their own little hell they could descend into with a fair degree of rapidity and enjoyment. And people know that. Well, delineate that out. So you know where you're heading when you fall off the path. Then you're running away from something and running towards something.

That's heaven and hell, and they're real. They're as real as you make them.

Bhavjot Singh

Bhavjot Singh is co-founder of Beyond Subjects. Born and brought up in the state of Punjab, Bhavjot loves Punjabi culture and has a keen interest in Sufi music. He has been running two blogs since he was in 8th grade, writing about technology, social practices, and culture. He loves to vibe to his selectively picked playlist and make digital art while sipping a coffee in his spare time.

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