The Reality of Anxiety

A short viewpoint about what exactly anxiety is and how it affects us. .

That’s anxiety. “Stop! You’re not where you think you are. Your map isn’t producing the desired outcome. It’s wrong.” What should you do? You don’t know? Stop. Because if you don’t know where to go, there’s no point going anywhere. And then what? Prepare! That’s anxiety. “Stop! Prepare!” Prepare for what? “Everything”! It’s very demanding psycho-physiologically.

Anxiety isn’t just an unpleasant psychological state. You’re revved up, and you’re burning resources like mad. You’re in a biochemical state that is optimized for quick action, but that’s toxic if you inhabit it for any length of time. So not knowing what to do? That is not good.

It isn’t just that it makes you feel bad. It’s “you’re running your machinery faster than you can replenish it.”

Bhavjot Singh

Bhavjot Singh is co-founder of Beyond Subjects. Born and brought up in the state of Punjab, Bhavjot loves Punjabi culture and has a keen interest in Sufi music. He has been running two blogs since he was in 8th grade, writing about technology, social practices, and culture. He loves to vibe to his selectively picked playlist and make digital art while sipping a coffee in his spare time.

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